Thursday, 7 April 2011

Dream Interpreter: Tar in a bathtub

Hello everyone, today I'm writing my first dream interpreter. This is a dream my girlfriend Terri had a couple of nights ago and I thought it would be interesting to write an article on it.

The first thing that happened in the dream was that Terri had found a new job and was moving town. In the new town, people were asking "who is Terri?". She told me that she felt nervous during this part of the dream.

This seems like a fairly insignificant piece of the larger dream, but this looks like a manifestation of a worry she has been having in real life. Looking at it literally, it seems as if she is worried that if she finds a new job or town, that she is going to have to make new friends which can be a challenge. This part seems to be an indication of the task of trying to fit in somewhere new.

Next, she finds herself running a bath. Whilst in the bath washing her hair, she suddenly finds that soap is stinging her eyes. During this time, an anonymous person puts just their arm through the door, while pouring tar into the bathtub.

Now, a lot of people would assume this is just bizarre and makes no real sense. When we think about what taking a bath in the dream could represent it makes more sense. When we are taking a bath, we are in quite a vulnerable position. We are naked and open to threat if someone was to come in. It would seem that the person pouring the tar, represents someone taking advantage of her while she is vulnerable. (This vulnerability is backed up by the soap blinding her eyes). So in total, this part of the dream seems to represent a worry of someone backstabbing or betraying her while she is vulnerable.

After this stage, Terri found herself back at her old house with her mum. There is a knock at the door, which Terri answers to find it is a charity worker. The charity worker tells her that if she gives him one of her old toys, he will exchange it for a bag full of "goodies".

At this point I believe the old toy part is significant. I think that an old toy will represent our past memories of being a child. The bag full of goodies, represents brand new things, (technology, music, computers) that are new to us and make us forget about our simple past. The dream is pointing towards the fact that we give up our old memories to be replaced with new things going on in our life. Terri swaps her toy for the goodie bag, showing that we are quite happy to do this. After this Terri woke up.

So, that's all for my first dream interpreter. I really hope you enjoyed reading through this and that it was easy to follow. If you would like me to write an in-depth explanation of one of your dreams just send me an email.

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